Responsible people always respect people hardship and effort. If he wants it then he should pay for that guy hardship. Its also a symbol of respect or exchanging honour with those who wish to exchange product or services. "When a person make something from a noble ideas you should pay respect to the person if you wanted to earn part of his work. He knows nothing is free in life, you have to earn it".
Irresponsible people however take things for granted. Never respect people hardship. In his or her world everthing is free even if he or she is rich and wouldn't pay a single dime for people's sweat. For them peoples ideas is free for grab. Talk about honour and justice, these people is the most lower living being on earth.
I'm telling you this because for almost 8 years doing design and modelling or graphics some people belong to this bad egg category. They just want stuff for free. They just want to make people suffer and laugh away with peoples hard earn bread who worked for it. This theif roams freely on our earth. Rich people but also a theif. Everytime i open an email i always receive a request that was too costly to accept and its just too heavy to carry out for free. I hate this people. Always wanted free stuff. What goes in their mind huh? Asking a Ferrari and then seconds it just fell into their arms from the sky?? This people are just butt ugly free loader. At least show some respect not just run away with people's work.
"Yeah right like i have time for you!" "what do you got ass wipe?" Get a life!
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