Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fun under the sun

A week of hot weather, cloudless sky all blue atmostphere. As for me sunday was at best mood.... i like hot dry and sunny day especially weekends where outdoors activity are big times for me. As usual in the early morning i always have my ultra heavy breakfast and ultra heavy lunch lots of sugar and carbo stuff for my afternoon muscle overdrive. At 10am we have our usual bikers gathering behind our friends bike shop just to hangout and hear what's up for afternoon plans. All of us excited as today weather is much promising and won't be much of a muddy ride. By 3pm all of us gather around like bikers ritual site at our local beach side esplanade full of public beach goer which at the same time having a beach festival near by. Finding car to park is a mess but lucky we park in a same group. We gather under the shady trees at the heat sore up high under the bright blue sky, we went off 20 minutes later towards the hilly forest behind the plantation estate through narrow trails. Our riding routine as usual: ride up and down the hills, ram through bushes and cruise through dusty and rocky trails at chaotic speed and bla bla bla... Today hardest obstacles always been climbing the loose steep cracky hills, i felt like 50% of my sugar and fat burned into energy in just few minutes...which is good news for me as i need to empty my body for our BBQ dinner later once we arrive at finishing point. My mood swings up high, felt at higher karma, on my way to return home riding on reverse trails back towards finishing points my pedalling becomes lighter and enjoyable, felt like the wind pushing me from behind like friendly soul of the forest pushes lifting me forward at high speed, I just seat down comfortably and ride my bike like "flow like a river" through the trails using my body momentum....its was like dancing around the hall with a smile. Not a drop of sweat needed to pedal through rough terrain as i speeding at break neck speed. The wind was very breezy i felt at ease. I reach the finish point at the beach carpark in just few minutes leaving long trail of dust behind.

Few minutes later one by one all of us arrived and prepared our evening BBQ dinner hangout. BBQ sweet saucy lamb chop meat, snacks, ice creams, cold drinks, beer, local marinated shrimp sauce (cencaluk), fried chicken wings and other nice munchies waiting for us. Everyone was enjoying the evening chatting, sharing passion about the rides and had few stories to laugh about. I consumed too much food that evening more than what normal human being can handle....almost felt wanna puke. The evening sunset was beautiful as the sun slowly sunk behind the orange fantasy pink colored horizon where the sky is cloudless...its truly priceless to see such view and lucky enough to be outdoor witness it. Sky turn to pitch black and the stars began to sparkle brightly on clear sky, all of us still sit and relax as we gather round socializing ourself with BBQ stands still cooking our favorite dinner. More buddies turn up who absent for today ride including our road cyclist friends. We hangout till 8.30pm when all of us pretty well stuff out and food were all cleaned. So i head back for home, have a nice cold and hit the bed as i'm all tired and in a good mood to sleep.

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