Monday, December 14, 2009

Early for Christmas

Everyone kinda busy for Christmas. Young ones get excited, quickly got the Christmas tree up weeks early before eve. However this new era Christmas celebration wasn’t as merry as it was before in the mid 1980’s. We usually have our Chrismas at our grandparents home, relatives and family as whole group together and our Christmas part would run 24 hours for a weeks with endless of friends and relative coming to our grandparents in country side. I can even hear them dancing, singing, sounds of clanking mug and old man chatting in and outside the house. Cakes, drinks, muffin and goodies still abundant in stocks. I would always linger around the kitchen for a few nips. Granny always keep baking more cakes and nice family recipe munchies.
Later between 1995 till current time such country side home to my grandparents wasn’t much to celebrate. Some of my grandparent departed, others relative migrated, and other younger generation seeking job far away from home. Our Christmas celebration has been in moderate scale in recent years but best to keep our young ones entertained and get them experience it, also best way to reunite all families and relative together. That’s what Christmas was all about which is why we have to celebrate.

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