Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The evening rest and my dear grandma.

Today, i haven't touch any Z-modeler or other 3d tools to continue working on my 3d projects. Instead i took whole evening gather around with my family and cousins for a chat, had good delicious dinner, watch TV Movie: Alien Vs Predator, installed some games into my NOKIA NGAGE handphones and before midnight prepare my cycling gear for next evening ride with my buddies after get back from working hours next Thursday evening, pray that it wouldn't rain tomorrow.
Previously during dinner time my mom told me my grandma condition began to deteriorate both physically and mentally due to aging factor. She reported that my grandmother began to hallucinating and talking on her own as if someone was there on the wall, well its a comon symptom among old people who reached their time limit and began to count days to their lasts. Actually those action give some chills behind my spine, i knew when their days comes they will able to see things of another higher planes as if their souls are part of this terrestrial zone as their bidy to weak to accomodate spiritual gains. No bluffing matters, i also experienced accidental OBE (Out of Body Experience) which relates to existance of invisible entity. Since then i strongly believe there life after death, the heavens, Our Saviour of soul and Our Creater. Before my grandmother left back to her hometown under my cousin care at LIMBANG city, i manage to spent the whole day beside my grandma who was lying on the bed with my hand holding her weak hands. She stare at me full of hope and deep feeling for her grandson. I kiss my grandma's forehead telling her not to worry and keep on praying to Jesus and God. May bright light shine upon her. Few minute later she close her eyes with calm smile, slowly she fell asleep. The next day she was sent to her hometown where she was born to be taken care by my mother's big sister. I hope to meet my gandma again on Christmas.

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