Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pounds bye bye!

Check this out, i'm losing some weight right here. Was awesome to see i was able to shed a total of 9 Kilogram in less than three week through biking on both road bikes and mountain bikes. Shedding those load makes my body feel more light and agile and my pants seem to loose digits. My BMI (Body Mass Index) improves too. Now when i climbs some stairs i don't feel much load strains on my knees, feels so good! Looks like i have no excuse eating more good food as long i keep on pedaling daily. But on the other hand shedding those fat under the skin leave me bitter cold on normal office tempreature and during rainy days, can feel very drastic changes in tempreature drops. So cold i had to use a very thick winter jacket to keep me warm. Another pros and cons losing some weight but for food yes!..

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Danny MacAskill - "Way Back Home"

This guy is my hero, i wish i can do stuff like that as i commute to work. It'll be fun and entertaining moments if i can do that. So far i can just do some free riding on MTBs and road biking.