Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Easy foam plane fix

The best thing about foam plane is no matter how you bad you dent, bent or distort the whole body parts you can always get a fast perfect fix by dipping the affected part of the foam into more than 100 degrees of boiling hot water.  In this case i had my glider wing crashed into other r/c plane from opposite direction and plumetted into the soil.  The wing badly bent on the root junction of the wing spar.

To fix it just wrap a slabs of thick cotton clothes around the affected damaged foam. Then pour a hot boiling water (probably beyond 100 degree) above the clothes so that the hot water soaked inside temporarily hold the tempreature and heats up the contacted foam surface.  The hot water will then get absorbed into the plane's damaged bead foam which then use heat to expand the foam back to its original uncompress form slowly.  When pouring the hot water do it with caution, watch out not to pour excessive amount of hot water tempreature which causes the foam to swollen further and create bubly surface or blister.  Do it slowly and you may need manually straighten the bend wing or surface if it was badly bend from the start because when the foam is in hot condition you can easily reshape back the parts to original state.   I did it dozen of time on my second hand plane i bought from my friends and it always works 100%  keeping the models foam surface back like into smooth surface.  So far it works on my EPP, EPO and normal foam used on planes models.  Try it out.  Cheers.

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