Thursday, February 02, 2012

Fly 3deee!!

Im going flipping 3D! Ok I’m saying flying 3D not about building 3D models but I still do make some but at slow pace but never declining. So I’m now branching a new path of flying that is flying some cool acrobatic moves and 360 degree stunts which local flyer called it 3D flying. I bought some 3D planes range from various types of size, built and performance which now I had 6 of them and still counting. I got myself PRECISION AEROBATIC ELECTRIC SHOCK, 2X HK TRISTANIA/TECHONE SPIRIT, HK PITTS SPECIAL, TECHONE PIAGET and TECHONE MALIBU F3P. Also soon to come are 1.4m size 3D planes. A break from soaring into the clouds and back to the sea level flying patterns and 3D moves it was a blast flight as I’m proud that my thumb stick skills still rocks since my last 3D heli flight with all those cool move a plane model can do that can jaw drop some spectator who came to watch our mini airshow. Its been 2 weeks into 3D and I’m soo hooked with also those cool moves such as prop hanging, knife edges, harrier hover, rolls, figure 8, imellmans turns and all sort of funky flying style beyond limitation. Good thing some of my favorite planes are made of soft EPP foamies, lighter than a pair of jeans, virtually no maintenance, cheap parts, safe to fly in the public and if it crash into anything it doesn’t even scratch a thing. This is good stuff for friends and family who spectate nearby.
We also did some creativity of our own putting strips of LED for night fly and it was spectacular sights having some bright blinkies in the night sky, was a crow magnet too. Since I’ve been flying this friendly slomo foamie 3D flight I made some new friends from curious spectator who also ended interested into flying. Flying sometimes can be a social thing and sometimes I ended up invited for a tea time having flying nearby my neighborhood. Looking at the mirror I don’t I have a friendly facial expression on my face due to some irritating wrinkles well maybe i looked like Bozo the clown with balloons ready to entertain the kids, lmao. Anyway flying is socially fun and it keeps me away from bad influence on TV, lol.

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