Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ride to the edge.

I crashed a lot on mountain biking this week after tryout few steep downhills and some wheelie jumps, on the scene: all around me are hills, valleys, rocky slope, cliff and stalagtite type terrains with deep gap way down below. Its just me and my bike jumping around gripping every corner of terrains, balance through narrow slippery rocky trails and hop/leap over the biggest possible obstacles. Sometimes i slipped crashed, fly over bar and land head first, side ways, and even worse grab dear life at the edge of the cliff 6 storey high after almost slip at the end of the cliff. Damn i was lucky to be alive. Back on my feet looking down the ravine i was wonder was if i did down there..... That's the price i have to pay for going into extreme sport,exciting but risky. There's an important lesson i can learn being at the edge of between life and death: You'll appreciate your life much more than you ever experience and felt before...every minutes is meaningful and no rules govern and restrict your freedom. heh! i felt good! I should do again everyday. Live strong.

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