Saturday, May 03, 2008

Saturday day out.

No surprise now i'm much back again into Radio Control scene after absent for years. The parts getting cheaper and the trends also pushing up way popular then ever. I've already put my investment into few hobby grade R/C models and daily wnet outdoor for fulltime spin around local ground if i'm not onto mountain biking for the day which pretty much explain why i'm relax a day after the ride. Last Saturday evening me and my buddy who's on bigfoot bettle doing some off-roading near the beach but i've settle some technical problem for 1 hours then manage to get going later on the dirt. I've spent 30 minutes fulltime swing around and jump on the dirt with my truck doing some big air and then flip tumble 360 degree and back on its wheel again ready to sprint all over the track. It was fun pastime and great way to be outdoor watching me driving along with friends remotely on miniature car/trucks. As usually there always few trade off after fun bashing around the dirt...yeah back at home always been maintenance work, lubricating, adjusting suspension setup, tunning the electronics and unlucky me i had broken servo which cost me few bucks to fix it but its no biggy.

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