Friday, August 04, 2006

Clean up time and job well done.

I hate useless stuff lying around on my table whether its at my home or at my workplace, yesterday i took my time tidy up my own work desk in my office dept, not that messy but really need extra super tidy up. All useless papers, KIV ones and also some old documents shredded to pieces and throw into trash can. If not it's kinda headache if you see stuff bundle pile up as if i haven't finish up my work. Yesterday i took my time finish up my work without leaving any left over task for tomorrow which i took overtime by one hours than my usual end work time. I don't like to delays or left the job to continue for tomorrow because i have lots of thing to settle and staff appointment on the next day. Sometimes i force to do something out of my work description which is really bad and unsuitable/over the edge job and the problem is Asian labour law kinda loose around here, it just like a beautiful magazine cover with bleak contents should i say. But anyways its good thing i finish up everything my job well done for the day without delays so that i wouldn't have any headache to carry on the next job at night.

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