Thursday, February 07, 2008

Rainy day...a windows of time

My mother arrange a plan for today holidays to go out for family and friends Chinese New Year festival visiting today. But its raining today and it doesn't looks like its going to stop until evening. The cold wind blew into my room and the heavy rain drops keeps on pouncing on the zinc roof making you feel wanna continue setback and take a good cold nap. Anyways i'm not going to get back for a morning nap again. Btw the rain give me a great opportunity putting a big windows of time for me to continue work on my models, today suppose to detach the surface and relink broken vertices to create smooth vertex shading/rendering thus duplicating half right side of the object. This going to be a long process since i',m dealing with enourmous 3d object in the scene. Hopefully before me and family out for Chinese New Year visits this will be done sooner.....i think i like christmas better..missed those present.

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