Thursday, September 14, 2006

More sleep and PEUGEOT

Things going slow today, that's how i felt. My eyes felt dried, my body felt heavy every foot step i took and spinny concentation. I guess i didn't have enough sleep last night.
Yesterday after midnight i slept at 3.00am. I came back home from cycling training at 11.00pm, then took bath and wash my clothes, 12.30am took a heavy dinner, 1.00am finish my dinner and head to my computer working on my models and design contest for PEUGEOT, 2.00am take a break and watch tv, 3.00am feeling drowzy and tired, go to sleep. 5.30am, wakey wakey but in bad shape.....tired and lack of enough sleep. I should spend 3 hours sleep before dinner tonight so that i feel refresh back and enough energy to keep me awake so tha i could work on the PEUGEOT design contest.

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