Saturday, September 02, 2006

Strange meaningless dream.

Today I got this weird dream I had last night:
I was like running side by side with an opponent with number tag on his T-shirt..kinda like sport event or something, I’m jumping though tyres, climb over the wooden wall, cling over the vines and swing from one end to other end like Tarzan and landed at the foot of the tower . Then run up the stairs chasing my opponent to see who got reach the top first.
On top there’s a rope which link from the top tower to the lower ground with length around 100m. Participants have to glide down like flying squirrel on wire. Upon reaching the ground there’s a bike. I walk over.. it was my orange/grey mountain bike, the instructor then instructed us to cycle back and forth round the local village country side… then suddenly I woke up,….its Saturday - 5.40am. Wheeww…what was that all about.!?

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