Thursday, June 22, 2006

The making of prototype CD 18.0

I guess some of you who are modeler knew the so called "Standard way" to build a 3d models of a vehicle. But if you jump into my world and start building one things might not look as expected. You see some profesional modeler start building by setting a layout of blueprint behind the scene and start modelling on top of it. That's why they are good at "REPLICATING" Me? i'm different. I start from a small object called the "ARC". Yup, starting from the fenders. Then from there i mold it like clay and let the hand decide what shape it would come out to be.
Now today you're going to witness realtime and step by step how Prototype model number "CD 18.0" was born. No official name yet given to this model but well give it later after the whole modelling process completed. This would take several days to complete a perfect vehicle model so keep on visiting my website and blog to see what happened during every process.

Todays tools i'm going to use is Z-modeler. Since i don't know how the hell CD 18.0 would look like but i know it would be like an off-roader similar to modern day 4x4 SUV but more toward Concept Design, My brain very clowdy and ambiguous so i'll start making some basic that is create round rods, slice it below to make it an arc as wheel fenders then attach straight sheet of plain polygonm bend on corners and now waiting to see what shape should i mold next on the side walls....what high poly? Yup, my intention going to be high poly. A GPU killer.

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