Friday, October 20, 2006

87% got bad stuff.

I just got back from work late evening and i receive a call from my friend asking to fix his employer notebook and retrieve some missing files. So i took the task and head over to his work place. Upon meeting his employer i help fixed his stuff and salvage some files. Upon salvaging some lost file from his hardrive he (the employer have to face the fact that the guy who help salvaging some "Missing In Action" file is going to witness some "uhh ohh!" files and something that reflects that this notebook owner being a bad man and bad seed to the community. Hidden tax files, pornography, secret files, underground information and some stuff. Salvaging and sorting files including some black listed items is somehow a common task and nothing new for IT tech people, i have to live the fact i have to face such unexpected things. The person who request such services knew that some secretive data have to be exposed to a trusted person as long the person who handles the information is an ethical person and also doesn't leak out to the public. As an IT personnel i have witness too many truth on the good and the bad side of people who uses digital age of computerisation for personal gain and fortune especially the dumb ones who dunno or careless using a computer.

Here are my statistic and conclusion encounter such computer user:

1. For every 10 notebook user 7 would keep or hide pornography.
2. For every 10 PC user 8 would have pornography at home and office.
3. For every 10 employer/manager 6 would hide files away from the local authority.
4. For every 10 financial function pc 5 would have hidden info about money laundring or betting. Will be increase by 7 during hot season like World Cup and soccer.
5. For every 5 people surfing the net, 3 people would surf the pornographic content and download illegal licenced material.
6. Finally, for every 10 computer user 8 people can't use their common sense on how to use or stupid enough to use a computer. At this age? oh please!
7. For every 10 computer accessing the net, 9 will have backdoor program, holes in Firewall, spyware, open port and Zombie computer (hacked and control by hacker or third party server listening their network port).

Some people try to outsmart me by hiding those file in such way asuming i couldn't trace i down. Wrong, in just few minutes i can easily sniff it back and put it on their face. I've been working in lots of places and corporate buildings, people who encounter IT people including both lower and higher management have to respect the fact that this people knew too much secret than any other typical job under the roof. Survey shown 98% top management fear IT/MIS personnel because they knew to much and have to face it that its their nature of work to encounter and encapsulate information that should known to limited people. They used to say old folks have lots of nice fairy tails and myths to tell to young ones, IT/MIS people however have have lost of real truth to tell about the world around. Peace.

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